We've Got You Covered

Suggestions to maintain recovery during the holidays
Practice short morning meditations (1-3 minutes)
Write a gratitude list at night (5 items)
Give yourself permission to decline some invitations
Make a commitment to connect with people that ground you
Make a commitment to engage in activities that ground you
Engage in some form of exercise (consult doctor if necessary)
Engage in some sort of support group
Practice some sort of self-less activity (volunteer)
Find some type of activity to be of service
Commit to some sort of spiritual activity
Find something to laugh about
Attend clean/sober activities from the recovery community
If traveling, attend 12-step meetings in the area you are visiting
If attending a holiday gathering, bring your own non-alcoholic beverage with you
At holiday gatherings, bring a sober buddy for support
Host your own holiday party
Start a new holiday tradition
Plan activities with family/friends such as decorating holiday cookies, decorating your house, ice skating, looking at Christmas lights, etc.
Don’t be afraid to limit the amount of time you spend with relatives who stress you out!
Remember, we have two locations to serve you, one in Riverside and one in Lake Elsinore. We offer customized counseling programs six days a week as well as telehealth options. We accept insurance. Let’s help you make this season a time to celebrate recovery.
Need to speak to someone today? Call Desmond Young at (951) 440-0160 or email him at