Specialized Treatment for Optimized Programming (STOP) is a Reentry Program for individuals who have transitioned from incarceration to the community. This program is tailored to participants’ specific criminogenic risks and needs. While participants receive treatment focused on changing criminal thinking and behavior, they are also connected with community resources that enable them to be contributing members of the community.
RRR provides comprehensive, evidence-based services to parolees in their first year of release during their transition into the community. Services provided by RRR within this program include Substance Use Disorder (SUD) outpatient treatment, Anger Management, Batterer’s Intervention, and Life Skills.
The STOP program is overseen by the Division o Rehabilitative Programs (DRP), a branch of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). DRP is at the heart of rehabilitation in CDCR. Its top priority is to provide rehabilitative programming and skills to incarcerated individuals in an effort to reduce their likelihood of reoffending by the time they return to their homes and communities.
Enrollment requires a referral by the individual’s Agent of Record (AOR) via a California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation form 1502, Activity Report. All parolees subject to the jurisdiction of the Division of Adult Parole Operations are eligible to participate. Priority is given to parolees who are within their first year of release and who have demonstrated a moderate-to-high risk to reoffend, as identified by the California Static Risk Assessment (CSRA), and have a medium to high need, as identified by the Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions (COMPAS) reentry assessment tool.